The Postpartum Yoga Routine Every New Mom Should Follow

Postpartum yoga has proved beneficial for thousands of mothers around the world. It not only helps shed the extra weight after pregnancy but also helps manage the physical and mental stress a new mom must endure. The right postpartum yoga routine can be useful to mothers in numerous ways.

The postpartum yoga regime consists of poses and asanas that are safe for new moms. When practicing yoga, one must be very careful about choosing the right asanas, as inappropriate ones can cause you harm. Remember that your body is still healing, and you do not want to shock it with rigorous physical activity. You must do your research and know which yoga poses to avoid postpartum. If you are not sure, you can always join a class. The instructors are well-trained and know what will suit you the best.

When Should You Start Postpartum Yoga?

Postpartum yoga is considered safe for new moms, and anyone with a natural delivery without complications can start right after six weeks of birthing their child. However, if you have had a complicated pregnancy or delivery, it is best to speak to your doctor before you commit to a routine. In the case of c-section deliveries, wait till your stitch looks good enough and you can handle physical activity. Depending on your condition, the waiting time could be between 8 to 12 weeks.

The Best Postpartum Regime

Plank Vinyasa

If you are looking for an exercise that will increase your strength and stamina, plank vinyasa is the one. Every postpartum yoga class includes this exercise in their routine as it helps new moms recover their strength in the abdomen and back muscles.


  • Take position by placing yourself on all four limbs on the ground.
  • Make sure your wrists are under your shoulders.
  • Keep one of your legs straight in the plank position and draw the other knee towards your chest.
  • Your head should align with the spine, and your abs should be pulled in.
  • Hold it for 2 seconds and get back to your initial position.
  • Now repeat with the other leg.
  • Continue 8 to 20 reps as per your stamina.

Pelvic Tilts

No guide to postpartum yoga is complete without the pelvic tilts. It helps strengthen the upper and lower back, relieving back pain most common in pregnant women and new mothers. It also improves your pelvic floor.


  • Lie on your back.
  • Lay arms straight by your sides and feet aligned with your hip.
  • Raise your tailbone and keep your palms flat on the floor.
  • Slowly lift your hips and, along with it, your torso, but make sure your spine is still settled down.
  • 6 to 10 reps are enough

This one is a pretty straightforward asana and beginner friendly as well. So if you are struggling with other poses, start with this one.

Scissors (Image not available)

Once you have achieved moderate flexibility and have mastered the easy asanas, it is time to try something more challenging. Most trainers love including scissors in their client’s routine as it improves lower body flexibility and strengthens the core. It also helps in weight loss, especially if you are looking for tight abs.


  • Stretch your legs and arms above you while you lie on your back.
  • Relax your neck and lift your shoulders.
  • Lift your arm and leg in synchronized motion like that of scissors.
  • Ensure you are doing your breathing exercise while engaging in this activity.

This can be challenging in the first attempts, but as you practice, you will soon get the hang of it. It is extremely effective and will help you lose weight quickly.

Embracing motherhood is as tiring as it is fantastic; thus, mothers should always take care of themselves. Postpartum yoga is one of the best self-care tips for new mothers as it helps them deal with postpartum depression, extra fat, insomnia, back pain, and many other common issues. You need not leave your baby and hit the gym daily to get back in shape. Instead, you can follow a routine postpartum right at your home. All you need is a yoga mat, and you can perform your asanas while keeping an eye on your little munchkin. However, ensure you do not engage in any wrong poses and only opt for the safe and effective ones.


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