Significance of Yoga and Examining Myths Surrounding It

Yoga has traveled a long way from India and has found a concrete place in the West. Since people have understood the advantages of Yoga, more and more have been attracted to it and benefited immensely. Yoga helps you achieve physical fitness and mental and spiritual peace. Regularly doing Yoga can do you more good than you can imagine. Many people today side with the Yoga in the gym vs. yoga debate. 

However, misconceptions always accompany popularity, and Yoga is no different. Several myths surround it, and people tend to believe them without verifying their truth. Knowing its importance and facts is crucial if you are interested in Yoga and wish to make it a part of your lifestyle.

  • The Importance of Yoga

As we already mentioned, Yoga can be extremely beneficial for your body, mind, and spirit. There are different types of Yoga, and you can choose from a wide range of routines depending on your goal. It is considered the safest form of physical activity to help you lose weight. Let us break down the benefits for you.

  • Improves Balance and Flexibility

The entire idea of Yoga rests on flexibility and balance; therefore, if you want to improve these, there is nothing better than Yoga. You need not start with a super tough regime and can slowly build your way, starting with simpler asanas.

  • Weight Loss

If you think you cannot lose weight without sweating beyond measure, you are wrong. Some asanas work just as well as any aerobic exercise and can help you lose weight fast. Yoga is also safe for new mothers who want to shed that extra belly fat. Postpartum Yoga is the best form of Yoga for weight loss new mothers can try. You can start with postpartum Yoga only a few weeks after your delivery, and it is absolutely safe, unlike other intensive forms of workout.

  • Better Sleep

If you experience problems sleeping or do not get enough sleep, Yoga can help your body and mind calm down and sleep better. A bedtime yoga routine can positively affect your sleep cycle and your health in the long run.

  • Back and Joint Pain

All the stretching and breathing involved in yoga target sore muscles in the back and the joints. You can finally bid goodbye to your back and joint pain with practice. It also helps ease arthritis pain like inflammation and sore joints.

  • Fights Anxiety

If you suffer from anxiety, Yoga is a great way to fight it. Certain asanas help reduce stress, and breathing exercises help you have some control during anxiety or panic attacks. In addition, it improves your overall mental health and thus can be great for depression and anxiety patients.

It also helps new mothers deal with their mental and physical exhaustion during the first few months. Postpartum Yoga not only helps you lose weight but also helps you sleep better and handle postpartum depression.

  • Myths and Facts

Sometimes it can be difficult to chaff the truth from myths surrounding any popular thing. However, if you are planning to include Yoga in your routine, you must debunk the myths and embrace the facts. Here are some myths and facts about Yoga that you need to know.

Myth- You must start Yoga at a young age as your body loses flexibility as you grow.

Truth- The whole idea behind Yoga is balance, strength, and flexibility but you need not already have all these if you want to practice Yoga. You can start doing Yoga at any age, and according to your flexibility, you work up the ladder of asanas. So flexibility is not at all prerequisite for Yoga. 

Similar link: Online Yoga Classes: Examining the Pros and Cons

Myth- Yoga is not safe for pregnant women.

Truth- The truth is contradictory. Prenatal Yoga is safe for pregnant women and can be very beneficial. It helps women achieve better muscle flexibility and breathing control which can help them immensely during labor.

Myth- Yoga is for women.

Truth- Most yogis were men; thus, nothing can be more baseless than this myth. Both men and women can practice Yoga.

Myth- Yoga can be self-learned with the help of the internet or books.

Truth- While you might be able to pick up some of the basics on the internet or by reading some books, you should not practice without professional guidance. Wrong poses and faulty breathing can mess up your entire body. Therefore, it is always advised to find a trained yoga teacher if you really want to benefit from it. If you do not have the time to visit a yoga center, take online classes but make sure you have someone to supervise you.

Myth- Yoga will help me achieve spirituality

Truth- Yoga cannot help you achieve spirituality, but it can help you find a sense of calm and concentration which are the first steps to spirituality. So no, you cannot seek spirituality primarily through Yoga.  

Yoga suits people of all ages and targets several problems, be they physical or mental. In addition, it is emerging as the safest and best form of exercise. So if you plan to get into physical activity that would target not only your body but your overall energy, Yoga is your thing.


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